Crawling to China- LID- 10/1/06

Wednesday, May 02, 2012


We have started fundraisers to help pay adoption expenses.

1. The "Chip-in" donation button. If you would like to help us financially you just click the button on the right side of this page. Your gifts are blessings to a child who currently sits in an orphanage dreaming of having a family and to us- the family that hopes to have her home this year. Thank-you!

2. The "Just Love Coffee" fundraiser. Here is a websight where you can buy some really excellent coffee- I have tried several varieties and find them delicious. The coffees are all free-trade and the company is owned and operated by a fellow adoptive parent who knows how hard it can be to raise the money needed to do an adoption. $5.00 of every bag comes to us.

  3. Prayer: Please keep us in prayer as we continue this journey. Our Holy father knows our needs and has infinate ability and resources to make this happen. He will provide all that is necessary to complete this journey from the finances to the emotional stamina.

   I have more ideas and fund- raisers to come.
   Please come back and see how we are doing and what we are up to.
   Your comments and thoughts are welcome.
   Thank- you!!