Crawling to China- LID- 10/1/06

Sunday, February 01, 2009

28 Months LID
Well, we have now been waiting with our dossier in China for 28 months. Seems like forever. I am thankful we started a second adoption process from Kazakhstan. I would go crazy if knew I still had to wait another 2-3 years for children to be running around this house. The Kaz process has not been easy or smooth and the amount of paperwork is incredible, but we are getting closer and hopefully will have a child or two home by the end of the year.


Ann said...

Hi Kari! thanks for checking in, I am so happy you are an ARK family and "almost" done with the paperwork, its never done! However what a relief that your documents will finally be incountry, I am sure you will feel odd, them leaving your "control" keep in touch,,

Anonymous said...

kaikeema@GMAIL>COM WE ARE BOTH SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! We will be checking in to see how it"s going for you next week. Love dad and linda

Anonymous said... This is the email address. I see the shift button stuck on the previous comment and half of it was mistakenly done in capitals.