A sign from the Lady-bug!?Last night I was looking at a beautiful book from a charitable organization called Love without Bounderies. the websight is www.lovewithoutboundaries.com
The book features families and their adopted Chinese children, stories, pictures,etc. Anyway, while I was looking at this book dreaming of our someday referral, a lady-bug landed on the page I was reading. Now, if you don't know the lady-bug story it goes like this... a lady-bug is the Chinese adoption sign of good luck and when you see one it means a referral is coming. I know our referral is still a long way off, so what could I make of this sign.? I counted the spots on the lady-bug and (after 3 countings) came up with 17 each time. Now, I am not a superstitious person but I am willing to consider crazy things like a lady-bug landing on a book I'm looking at relating to Chinese adoption. As a result, I have decided to add a counter to the blog with 17 months as a hopeful time frame. Pray and keep your fingers (and toes) crossed.
Love to all