Crawling to China- LID- 10/1/06

Friday, January 20, 2012

Some Ramblings:
We are LID almost 64 months ago--- That is more than 5 years ago.
We did an interim adoption from Kazakhstan and brought home 2 beautiful children who we love to pieces.
We are broke.
Lets face it- the gift we are able to provide and receive throught adoption doesn't come cheap, especially from Kazakhstan.
Our China agency is calling. We need to start the paperwork update/redo process before our number comes up (my best guess is 8-12 months) if we are going to continue.
Kazakhstan was an INTERIM adoption. Not a replacement adoption.
I know a child waits for us in China.
Somehow this has to happen.
My request...
We need divine guidance.
Monday January 23 begins Chinese New Year

The Year of the Dragon