Crawling to China- LID- 10/1/06

Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas to all.
I am taking the time now to reflect on all that the last year has brought us.
We are in a new home; one with lots of bedrooms and sunshine and space for active playing children who's laughter we hope to hear.
I am driving a mini-van with room for 7. Yes Vicki-- me in a mini-van!
I am excercising and taking a dance class- which I LOVE.
I now have enough fabric for 2 OHGWQ (quilts)(read about in previous posts) plus one for Kaitlin representing her African heritage.
I have a space fenced out for a garden next Spring.
Kaitlin is engaged to Joey Morris and planning a late summer 09 wedding.
God has taken wonderfully good care of us all.
Blessings to all of you and your families.