Crawling to China- LID- 10/1/06

Friday, April 25, 2008

OK - I havn't posted in awhile but work has been very busy with a lot of extra hours doing home care. Not much new on our adoption process from China. We are just waiting for our renewal I-171h to come back from immigration so that we can renew it again in another 15 months. Oh-well! I have faith that Gods plan is perfect and we must continue to trust in Him.
I think I have enough squishes to start the 100 wishes quilts and have taken a beginning machine quilting class so I will be able to quilt the top. Stay posted - I will post pictures. Dave gave me his older camera and I hope he will teach me to use it before he goes to Florida for the 4-Winns boat shoot on May 2nd. He assures me that it is a gruelling trip which he doesn't really look forward to.
Weather this weekend may not be so nice so I hope to get some things done around the house.
Dave is away at a Tennis tournament tomorrow so I have a Kari day. Daves high school girls soccer team he assistant coaches has a 4-0 record and they have beaten the regional district champs (Charlevoix) Way to Go Dave and Liberty soccer!!
Kaitlin is finishing up the semester at NMC and looks forward to no school for a few months and making lots of money at Poppycocks.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

We all finally completed our fingerprints on March 5th, 2008 but we have not received our I-171h approval back yet. That is the pre-approval from US immigration to adopt a child from China. Right now that approval is the only link we have to our daughter in China. Hoping it comes soon.